Tuesday 4 December 2007

Grandparents facing a year in Prison - UK's Secret Courts

Full Story:
A grandmother and her husband are being tried in Nottingham, on 26 October 2007. They are both facing 'committal proceedings', for breaching court orders not to contact the grandmother's grandson. The grandson is aged 15 years and 5 months. He has been in care for about 4 years. Whilst in care he has repeatedly complained that he has been physically and mentally assaulted. He has no mother. His mother died a few years ago. Despite his complaints, no action has been taken to address the reported assaults. So often the authorities fall back on, listening to the voice of the children'. Yet in reality, it is often deaf ears they cock. When the boy is 16 years old, he should be free to make his own decisions. Indeed, the grandmother states that he is capable right now. She maintains that he is Gillick competent....But the authorities are fearful that he will make a compelling case that he has been assaulted whilst in care, So there is a suspicion that some spurious reasons will be found to keep him in care....Yes! even after he has reached 16. The grandson wishes to be with his grandmother and her partner. The grandmother and her partner wish to assist the boy. But the mere act of responding to the boy's pleas for help, have been interpreted as ' breaching the Family Court Rules'. The grandmother faces imprisonment on 26 October 2006, in Nottingham. The likely sentence is one year in prison. The partner of the grandmother faces 2 years in prison. We are repeatedly informed that there is no room in our prisons for violent and sexual predators, who might incidentally also been illegal immigrants. Though there is no problem about finding room in the prisons, for grandparents and old age pensioners. If you hadn't already guessed. I am not allowed to name the persons concerned. Though the authorities are quite legally allowed to intimidate our fellow citizens. You shouldn't be surprised. Tony Blair's Labour Government and his crony, Gordon Brown, are all trying desperately to ensure the full scale of this scandal doesn't reach the public. But wait....I have news for them. There is something brewing that will finally blow the lid of this huge corrupt scandal, that they have enveloped in spurious secrecy.

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