Friday 7 December 2007

Southall claims GMC child protection ignorance

Full Story:
In his first interview, on Radio 4’s Today Programme, controversial expert David Southall claimed that the GMC doesn’t have enough knowledge about the child protection process. Southall explained that the four panelists who made the decision to strike him off had no training in child protection, three of them were lay, and one was an orthopaedic surgeon, he said: “It’s not doctor’s against doctors, the regulatory body has had no training in the campaign and the child protection process.” He said that this lack of knowledge also meant that they “came down hard” on him about his special files but he said “it’s very common for the child protection part of the medical records to be kept separately”. He also said that there was a lack of understanding of paediatricians acting as child protection experts in general: "With the help of the media there has been a vindictive campaign which has made hate figures out of the paediatricians involved in this kind of work." He also explained that he hadn’t been “accusatory” in speaking to parents he was accused of distressing. He said he had simply presented “scenarios” to them in order to establish how the children had died:

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