Monday 22 October 2007

Changes to child protection procedures 2007

Full Story:
Changes to the London Child Protection Procedures follow the publication of national guidelines and a year long consultation across the capital's Local Safeguarding Children's Boards.
Download: London Child Protection Procedures 2007
Procedures and protocols - Merton Local Safeguarding Children BoardThe procedures outline the roles and responsibilities of agencies involved with children and how they should work together to ensure their safety.They address such issues as what to do if there are concerns about a child, what factors may indicate there's a problem and how to refer the matter to the relevant authorities.Cabinet Member for Children's Services, Councillor Debbie Shears, says: "All statutory or voluntary organisations working with children need to be aware of the changes. The procedures will only be effective if people understand them and act upon them."London's children should all be able to grow up in circumstances where they are safe and supported, so that they can achieve their optimal outcomes throughout childhood, their teenage years and into adulthood.To achieve this, agencies need to work together to promote children's welfare and prevent them from suffering harm. Children who are being or who are likely to be harmed are safeguarded best when safeguarding procedures are consistent across London.

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