Thursday 13 September 2007

Minister sacked after exposing ‘child abuse’

Full Story:
Jersey’s Health Minister was sacked after he blew the whistle on a harsh punishment regime in a home where children as young as 11 were kept in solitary confinement.
Stuart Syvret, the island’s longest-serving and most popular senator, had accused ministers, civil servants and social workers of failing to protect children but he was forced out this week after losing a vote of confidence in Jersey’s parliament, the States.
He claimed to have been defeated by the “one-party oligarchy” of the Jersey establishment. But Frank Walker, the Chief Minister, accused Mr Syvret of bullying and harassing staff and bringing the Channel Island into disrepute.
As to Mr Syvret’s abuse claims, the Government said that it had set up an inquiry, to be led by Andrew Williamson, a British childcare expert.
Mr Syvret told The Times yesterday: “There is a climate of fear throughout public administration in Jersey but people will be even more terrified than they were before. The fact that I have become the first health and social services minister in postwar Western Europe sacked for whistle-blowing sends an appalling signal.”
The dispute began last year when Simon Bellwood, a British social worker, became manager of the Greenfields home, which cares for runaway children and those facing prosecution. Mr Bellwood was appalled to discover that staff kept children in a form of round-the-clock solitary confinement and threatened them with indefinite isolation if they misbehaved.
The punishment regime was called “Grand Prix” and used motor racing slang. The toughest sanction, known as “the pits”, involved children being kept alone in a cell. Bedding and mattresses were removed during the day and only after 24 hours of good behaviour could children rejoin their peers.
Mr Bellwood scrapped the system but he was dismissed at the end of his probationary period. He is challenging the decision and has been backed by the British Association of Social Workers. “He believes he became a target as a result of raising these concerns,” said Terry Dadswell, the union’s assistant chief executive.

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