Friday 14 September 2007

Hands On Experience

Full Story:
Working on the service user-led issue of Community Care for September 13 gave me some experience in the journalistic field as well as a chance to engineer change or at least to direct thought as to what changes need to be made.
Having grown up in care myself I felt that my experiences could be used in a positive way to improve the quality of life for young people in care today by sharing my experiences with their social workers Community Cares readers.
My goal was to provide social workers with a deeper understanding of the problems that a young person can face. I wanted to turn my memories into something positive that could benefit others and also help my own healing at the same time. It was an opportunity to voice my concerns in a mature and constructive way.
I felt it was important to reach social workers directly because they have considerable influence in young peoples lives and the decisions they make affect childrens futures. Although these young people may be represented as mountains of case files or paperwork, it is important to remember that they are all individuals and have all already suffered enough.

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