Wednesday 12 September 2007

Britain to confiscate baby from mother at birth

Full Artice:
Read the distressing story of Fran Lyon in the Sunday Telegraph.
It is not only the obnoxious nature of the act itself, but also the way it is achieved that is disturbing:
· on the word of a doctor who has never met the mother
· the family court case is heard in secret, and the case cannot be discussed outside the court
How has this country reached this state? Can we come to any other conclusion than that our whole system of government is rotten to the core? To his credit, Liberal Democrat MP John Hemming has taken up this case and other similar ones. He has also taken his responsibility to hold the government to account seriously, going as far as the courts to try to force them to answer questions (the court said it is a matter for parliament, but the Speaker said it is not, so the government just gets away with it). Norman Baker is another honourable exception, but when MPs who make any attempt to represent our interests are rare exceptions to the general rule "parliamentary democracy" must be called into question.

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