Monday 5 November 2007

Billion-dollar baby trade: The darker side of adoption

Full Story:
No one can begrudge Foreign Secretary David Milliband the joy of adopting a second child from America. But as a Mail investigation reveales, there's a much darker side to adopting. At first glance they look like dating websites; hundreds of happy couples captured in soft-focus photographs, waxing lyrical about their love for each other. But read on, and you quickly discover that these chocolate-box perfect husbands and wives have something far more serious on their minds. They are searching for babies - and in the U.S. that means big business for the thousands of private adoption agencies, which can easily procure a newborn for those prepared to pay up to $40,000. "The average cost of a new car is more than the cost of an adoption," trumpets one Californian agency. "If adoption is your priority it can be designed to meet your budget and can indeed be affordable." This week, Foreign Secretary David Miliband and his 46-year-old wife, Louise, announced they have adopted a second newborn baby boy from the U.S. And while there is no suggestion of anything in any way untoward in the Milibands' case, their decision has thrown a spotlight on adoption procedures in the U.S. which differ vastly from the UK. In fact, here, where contraception is free, terminations are easily accessible and single motherhood is widespread, it is virtually impossible to adopt a healthy newborn baby. In America, however, which has a strong anti-abortion lobby and where the struggling welfare system makes raising a child almost impossible without a regular income, there is no shortage. In the U.S., around 30,000 such babies are adopted annually. In the UK, the figure is around 150. Of course, one can have nothing but admiration for families like the Milibands; unable to have children of their own, they will undoubtedly make loving parents and experience all the joys young children can bring. Yet an investigation by the Mail this week reveals the disturbing truth about some parts of America's billion- dollar baby brokering industry. While state-run adoption agencies do exist, in the majority of cases, healthy, white, newborn babies are sourced by "adoption attorneys", baby lawyers who - for a price - can make dreams come true for childless couples. There is no suggestion that the Milibands used anything but the most reputable methods to adopt their latest son, Jacob - but as our investigation reveals there are some states where, thanks to local laws, impoverished and pregnant young women can be offered generous "expenses" throughout their pregnancies, which can include luxury accommodation, maternity clothes, food and cars in return for handing over their new babies. These women are often drawn in via highlyemotive advertising. One website tells potential 'birthmothers' in its publicity blurb: "You deserve safe and comfortable housing." Those who agree to have their babies adopted are housed in luxury apartments complete with swimming pools and gyms - all paid for, of course, by the adoptive parents. Then there's a Baby From Heaven Adoption Service which promises: "You will be blessed for giving life to your child." The website adds: "Giving up a baby for adoption is often described as an 'honourable sacrifice'. "Although the adoption community sometimes overlooks your contribution and sacrifices, we want you to know that we understand your decision is an act of love. We believe adoption is a life-giving option." Or the Alabama agency Adoptive, which says: "The miracle of adoption is your choice." Elsewhere, on the Facing an Unplanned Pregnancy? section of The Adoption Network Law Center website, it states: "Birthmothers are the generous women who have made a choice that will enrich a child's life."

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