Saturday 14 February 2009

Adoption law is like licensed child abuse

Full Article:

Have we lost our sense of humanity? It’s a big question, and I’m afraid the answer seems to be a big YES.
Yes, we have lost our compassion. Yes, we have lost our sense of how fragile and sensitive human beings can be, and yes, we have lost the capacity to feel the sheer wonder of the miracle of birth, of having a child and bringing that child up to be a human being to be proud of.
That is life’s greatest privilege. You only have to look at this week’s pictures of a beaming Chris Evans and his new son Noah to witness that. That privilege was enjoyed by Mark and Nicky Webster. And it was, inhumanely, taken away.
Mark and Nicky have been dealt the most tragic of blows: they were told, by the Court of Appeal, that they’ll never see three of their children again, even though the judge accepted that they’d probably been wrongly accused of child abuse.
The children, now aged nine, seven and five, were taken into care in 2004 after doctors decided that six tiny fractures found on the middle child’s leg had been inflicted by the tot’s parents.

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