Sunday 23 March 2008

Response to Keving Brennan Letter.

11:10 AM

Dear Janet McNamara

Thank You for your letter dated 20 March 08, with regards to the Adoption target’s I have full proof that they are still in force and did not end in 2006. The children that are still in care are sometimes being abused by there carers if you go to my Husband’s website you will see how many children have died while’s being in care. I am not saying that child abuse don’t go on I’m just saying that there are thousands of innocent parent’s out there that have not abused there children but are being accused of being a child abuser.

Half way down your second paragraph where you have said that there was never a financial incentive for local authorities to meet the national target, or for individuals Local Authorities is a lie because I have looked on every Local Authority website and there are target’s to meet and a cash bonus.

With regard to the third paragraph thanks for admitting that the local authorities get reward funding, I am not stupid I know what it mean’s every child that’s being looked after, the local authority as got a cash reward for adopting them.

By the way my child is part of your adoption racket, she has never been hurt nor would she ever be hurt if she came back into our care. The Local authorities take children on jump up allocations. In fact there is evidence on be my parent which is an adoption agency http// .

Local Authorities do not go by the law, they use force evidenced that’s flawed, and made up that the parent’s have emotionally abused the child, or the classic one is shaking baby syndrome. They steal babies from mother’s who have just giving birth without a Court Order, John Hemming the MP as over a thousand cases where the Social Services have come into the hospital without a Court Order and took the babies from new mums.

Social Services make parent’s do a number of assessments and if the family pastes the assessment they say the parent’s have failed. They make you believe that they are going to rehabilitate the child back to the parent’s but that’s a lie.

I watch television a lot and there as been so many story’s on there where a child as been abused by the parent’s and someone has reported it, but nothing gets done about it and the child or the children end up dead. Most of the children that go into care have not been abused at all they are there for the Adoption racket so the Local Authorities get there cash bonuses.
During Court Proceedings parent’s and the children are represented by solicitors unfortunly nearly all the solicitors and barrister’s work for the Local authorities which is not fair as they are suppose to work for the parent’s and what the children want.

Social Worker’s do remove children without out the parent’s consent, because it’s happen to me and my Husband, I was in the flat on my own in 2004 with our daughter because my husband when out with his dad. There was a knock on the door and two social worker’s and two police officer’s pushed there way in and stole my baby while’s she was still in her mosses basket, that wasn’t the only time I got her back for four months then they took her again with out a Court Order. So don’t tell me that Social Worker’s can’t remove children without the parent’s consent.

At how final hearing in 2006 the Court made a care order and a placement order at the same time. I want full openness with in the Court system, because the judges always go with the local authorities and do not listen to parent’s evidence.

See more money spend on this corrupted system so the Social Services can steal more children without proper evidence. I do not except that local authorities will make sure the children will stay with there families that is just a rouse to make us parent’s think we can keep our children,

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