Monday 10 March 2008

Doubts about shaken baby syndrome (BBC News)

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Most medical experts are firmly convinced about Shaken Baby Syndrome.
But is the science related to it conclusive enough to convict beyond reasonable doubt when there is little other evidence pointing to guilt?
The theory says brain damage and bleeds over the surface of the brain and in the back of the eyes must have been caused by violent shaking.
Child-minder Keran Henderson's legal team have just filed an application for leave to appeal against her conviction for manslaughter.
Mrs Henderson was looking after baby Maeve Sheppard in March 2005 when something went horribly wrong.
She has since been convicted of violently shaking the 11-month-old toddler to death.
That day she rang 999 and said: "I've got a baby - I can't get breaths into her. She's just taking little breaths but not much, she's like semi-unconscious at the moment...
"Oh God, this is horrible. Come on Maeve, darling, please.. She's absolutely comatose."
Two days later Maeve was dead and Keran is serving a three-year sentence for child killing. But her friends and family say she could never have done it.
She denies ever harming the child.
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